Clean Air with Air Cleaning and filtration: how can you protect your family against viruses, bacteria, organic growth, and other air pollutants

If you read the first installment of the clean air blog, you now have a pretty good understanding of how filtration works, is rated, and can help keep harmful particles out of your homes air.  If you didn’t read it yet, please click HERE to directed there first before continuing.  If you’re already up to speed on home filtration systems, then please read on.

You probably noticed that the title of this post was air cleaning, and not air filtering.  Well, there is a reason for this.   Air cleaning is a little bit different.  We wanted to set the background of the traditional and modern air filter so that we could introduce the next phase in home IAQ.   Meet the air cleaners…

Air cleaner types

There are a few types of air cleaner systems on the market.   The technology behind air cleaning systems was actually initiated from the origins or terrorism in America.  These products were created for the purpose of preventing and eradicating the immediate spread of any kind of airborne pathogen such as anthrax, H1N1, and others.  It was critically important that the technology be able to not only stop the spread of toxins and particles, but to stop and eliminate it upon entry into the atmosphere.

Each type of air cleaner has its own unique characteristics, and strengths of performance.  I’ll explain a few of these below.

The first type of the REME HALO product.  This product uses the Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy system.  This energy system uses a cell that creates an ionized hydro-peroxide chemical compound that then is released into the air stream.  These peroxides are created from oxygen and humidity from the air itself.  This release is designed to minimize/neutralize/eradicate indoor air pollutants viruses, bacteria, mold, odors, gases, pollen, dust, and anything else floating in the air.  This mechanism also causes a bipolar ionization in the dust particles in the air which makes tiny particles clump with more particles.  This creates less larger particles and makes it easier for your home air filter system to catch and remove them from the air stream.  The result is a cleaner, more pure air quality in your home.
Another type of air cleaning product is the REME HALO-LED. This product works a little differently with amazing results still quite present.  The LED system produces very specific and focused UV light into the air stream.  This, coupled with self-cleaning ionizers work in tandem to reduce airborne and surface microbial growth, bacteria, viruses, mold, odors, allergens, dust, and other indoor air pollutants.  Like the standard HALO above, this system also is installed in your HVAC system’s duct work so that all of the air passing through your system experiences the advantages of the cleaning process this system delivers.
A third product type is an electrostatic air purifier. This type of system uses something akin to a filter.  However, the fibers are electrostatically charged in such a way that particles from the air are particularly attracted to the fibers.  The result is a very efficient system of removing impurities that common filter might miss.  The issue with this system however is that there is no byproduct sent from the system out into the room air to actively contact and kill contaminants. Also, as the charged fibers collect more particles, the effective charge is not as attractive to more particles, and so the system becomes less effective as more particles are collected.

Ozone the good and the bad.


There is a 4th product type out there that uses ozone creation as a primary means of purifying air.  It is effective, but certainly has its cons as well.   These types of devices are somewhat less common today, but are still available and sometimes touted to be safe and effective.    The basic premise of an ozone creating air cleaner, is the electrical process in which they operate creates 03 in the air.  Ozone is an oxidizer and hence likes to react with other chemicals.  The ozone in our atmosphere likes to react with radiation entering our atmosphere from space and breaks it down.  I’m not a scientist, but that’s the basic idea.  Likewise, ozone is very effective at breaking down and destroying harmful contaminants in your homes indoor air.

The flip side of this product type, is that ozone can be harmful to humors in larger quantities.  Some people may have no ill effects while others may have a severe medical issue from exposure to ozone.   These types of products have a particular place and proper use.  Many times, if a home has been occupied by a user of cigarettes, an ozone machine can help to eliminate most of the presence of the smoke smell from the house.   That is a short duration use, in a controlled and often times unoccupied environment. I do not condone the use of ozone machines in an occupied home on any sort of ongoing basis.

It is important to note, our air cleaning system type 1 listed above, the REME HALO system does produce some amounts of ozone.   Yes, I said it, a small amount of ozone is produced.   We are talking here about a very very tiny amount.   Did you also know that running a vegetable washer, or some ultraviolet face cleaners also produce ozone?  The point here, is that extremely tiny amounts of ozone are around us a lot of the time and are harmless.   To say that amount of ozone is not harmful to anyone would be to misspeak.  To say it is such a tiny amount that it has not been proven to cause harm would be more in line with the truth.   In my opinion I consider these types of air cleaning systems like the REME HALO, and the Airscrubber by Aerus to be safe for humans to install full time in their duct system.   It seems based on the data that the benefits of these systems far out weight to very tiny and slight possibility of a negative side effect.  Note, of course, that everyone is different and your results may vary.



As I said in the beginning, clean air is a good thing for your and your family’s health.  As I finish writing this article that I started two days ago my state has increased the number of current cases of the now infamous coronavirus by 4x, and New York jumped by 25% since yesterday.   I hope the people and our leaders will come together to get a handle on this as best as possible.  Does this mean you should run out and purchase an expensive new home air cleaner?  No, it doesn’t mean you should.  It also doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.   Will it keep you from getting the virus, probably not.   Will it create cleaner air in your home, generally eliminate harmful contaminants in your home and possibly strengthen your own immune system, it might.   This article is to inform based on what we believe we know currently.  I do not intent to strike fear, nor create a sense that a simple device will alleviate all of your concerns.

I hope when I come back and read this in a few months we will all think about this situation today as a small period of time where things were very different and challenging, but short lived.  I hope we don’t look back on this time as a moment that altered the path of human history.  Be safe and be informed, and we will get through this together.  If you’re interested in having home air cleaning provided in your next HVAC system design or upfit, we are happy to provide that service for you.  Please give us a call at 803-216-1959.

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